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It is indeed a great pleasure for the Institute that Dr. Partha Sarathi Das has been chosen to receive the prestigious CRSI Bronze Medal for his incomparable research contribution in the field of Chemistry by Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI). CRSI was established in 1999 as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Country’s Independence. The main objectives of the CRSI are to recognize, promote and foster talent in chemistry and chemical sciences and to improve the quality of chemical education at all levels. The CRSI organizes conferences, seminars, workshops, symposia and other related programmes to facilitate and promote research in all branches of chemistry. This medal will be conferred to him in the upcoming significant event of CRSI. His felicitation, definitely has brought laurels for IIT(ISM). Dr Das, having his Post-Doctoral degree and experiences from reputed institutions like Harvard University, USA, Tohoku University, Japan and RWTH-Aachen, Germany, started his career as Senior Scientist @ Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Hyderabad. He has had more than 10 years of industry experience before joining as Senior Scientist at Integrative Medicine Centre of (CSIR) at Jammu. Currently, he is serving as Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad since December, 2017.
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